
Types of Google Ads Campaigns and Their Objectives

Types of Google Ads Campaigns and Their Objectives

Google ads campaigns are the most effective way to reach the right audience at the right time.

The fact that they are able to target specific people with specific interests and needs is what makes them so popular. Google ads campaigns have a number of different types, each with their own pros and cons.

The Google Ads platform has many different goals, campaign types, and ad formats. If you’re new to the ecosystem and trying to figure out the best advertising strategy for your business, it might not be so clear how all these pieces fit together.

In this article, we’ll help you figure out exactly which type of Google ads are right for your business.

At Marketeermedia, we have helped countless businesses run profitable Google ad campaigns across multiple verticals. We’ve learned the intricacies of each ad type, and throughout this article, we’ll provide context on what works and what doesn’t.if you are looking for google ads expert Hire Marketeermedia!!!!

In this Article we will discuss all types of google ads campaign

You will understand the basics of each campaign and why to use various types of campaign?

It is one of the most profitable channels for businesses.

  • Google Ads generates an 8:1 return on investment: every dollar spent on Google Ads generates $8 in profit. And according to Google, it’s conservative.
  • Fast advertising results: Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising gets 2x more visitors than SEO, which means you can grow your business faster.

Overview: Types of Google Ads Campaign

Firstly, one should be clear about the campaign goal, what to achieve from this campaign?

Here are some of the most common Goals for Campaign :

  • Lead generation
  • sale
  • Website traffic
  • Awareness
  • Promoting the app

Once you have a goal and campaign type in mind, you can focus on specific types of Google ads to achieve your goals.

Google ads are typically served in two places:

  • Google Search Network (GSN): The main advertising network. Advertisers bid on search terms and pay for placement of ads on Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs). If you’ve ever seen a sponsored ad at the top of Google, it’s a search ad. We will discuss different formats in the next section.
  • Google Display Network (GDN): Display ads are visual, not text, and are served on other Google properties such as YouTube and Gmail, as well as non-Google websites on the Internet. You know those distracting banner ads on most sites? These are Google Display ads. There are several types, which we will discuss shortly.

9 types of google ads campaign 

  1. Search: Text ads on the SERP
  2. Shopping: Google Product Ads
  3. App: Mobile app-specific ads on many channels
  4. Local: Location Find ads that drive traffic to a physical location.
  5. Display: Multimedia ads on websites (Image,Gif)
  6. Video: Video ads on YouTube
  7. Smart: Automated and simplified campaign builder‍
  8. Performance Max: An AI-driven, all-in-one campaign builder.
  9. Discovery:  Image ads that display natively on Google’s feed placement
types of google ads campaign
Types of google ads campaign

Given all campaigns, there are 22 types of Google ads:

  • Search ads
    • Responsive
    • Call-only
    • Dynamic
  • Display ads
    • Single image
    • Responsive
  • Video ads
    • Skippable in-stream
    • Non-skippable in-stream
    • In-feed
    • Bumper
    • Outstream
    • Masthead
  • Shopping ads
    • Product Shopping
    • Local inventory
  • Performance Max ads
  • App ads
    • For downloads
    • For engagement
  • Discovery ads
  • Local ads (soon to be PMax)
  • Smart ads
    • Search
    • Display
  • Local Services Ads
    • Google Guarantee
    • Google screened


Understand the Types of Google Ad campaigns & their best practices

1. Google search ads – (Intent based) attract people intentionally searching for.

Search campaigns are text ads on search results that you can reach when people search Google for the products and services you offer.

Search Ads are great for driving sales, leads, or traffic to your website because you can show your ads to people who are actively searching for your products and services.

Types of google ads - Search ads
Types of google ads – Search ads
Why Choose Search Network Campaigns?

Sales and Leads:

Increase your online sales and registrations.

Consider using Leads if you have a long sales cycle.

Easy setup:

Write text ads and choose keywords.

Ignore special files or assets – these are not required.

  • Keyword Research: Conduct thorough keyword research to identify high-intent keywords that potential customers might use to find your offerings.

  • Compelling Ad Copy: Write concise and engaging ad copy that directly addresses user needs and includes a clear call-to-action (CTA).

  • Ad Extensions: Utilize ad extensions like site links, callouts, and structured snippets to provide additional information and enhance ad visibility.

  • Landing Page Optimization: Ensure your landing page is relevant to the ad and provides a seamless user experience.

  • Negative Keywords: Use negative keywords to prevent your ads from appearing for irrelevant searches.

Why Choose Search Campaigns?
  • High Intent: Reach users actively looking for products or services, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

  • Immediate Impact: Drive quick results by targeting users who are already interested in what you offer.

Best For: Businesses looking to capture immediate demand and reach users actively searching for products or services related to their industry. These campaigns are ideal for generating quick sales and conversions.

Shopping Campaigns

Description: Shopping campaigns showcase your products with images and information on Google’s Shopping tab and other placements, making it easier for users to discover and compare products.

Types of google ads - Shopping ads
Types of google ads – Shopping ads

Best Practices:

  • Optimized Product Feed: Create a well-structured product feed with accurate and detailed product information.

  • High-Quality Images: Use high-resolution images that effectively showcase your products.

  • Negative Keywords: Exclude irrelevant search terms to ensure your products are shown to the right audience.

  • Bidding Strategy: Adjust bids based on the profitability of products and their performance.

Why Choose Shopping Campaigns?
  • Visual Appeal: Display images of your products, allowing users to see what they’re considering buying.

  • Product-Centric: Ideal for e-commerce businesses looking to showcase a wide range of products.

Best For: E-commerce businesses aiming to showcase their product inventory. Shopping campaigns are particularly effective for retailers looking to display product images, prices, and details to potential customers.


App Campaigns

Description: App campaigns promote mobile apps across Google’s platforms, including Google Play Store, YouTube, and more, aiming to drive app installations and engagement.

Types of google ads -google-app-campaigns
Types of google ads google app campaigns

Best Practices:

  • Clear Call-to-Action: Highlight the key benefits of your app and include a clear CTA to encourage installations.

  • Ad Creatives: Use captivating visuals and concise text to effectively communicate your app’s features.

  • Targeting: Define your target audience based on demographics, interests, and behavior.

  • Conversion Tracking: Implement conversion tracking to measure app downloads and in-app actions.

Why Choose App Campaigns?
  • App Growth: Drive installations and user engagement for your mobile app.

  • Broad Reach: Reach users across various Google platforms to maximize app visibility.

Best For: App developers and businesses seeking to increase app installations and user engagement. These campaigns are suitable for mobile apps across various categories.


Local Campaigns

Description: Local campaigns aim to drive foot traffic to physical store locations by displaying ads to users in specific geographical areas.

Types of google ads campaign - Local Campaign
Types of google ads campaign – Local Campaign

Best Practices:

  • Location Extensions: Include location extensions to provide users with store details and directions.

  • Geotargeting: Target users based on their proximity to your store locations.

  • Local Offers: Promote in-store promotions or events to attract local customers.

  • Ad Scheduling: Adjust ad delivery times to align with your store hours.

Why Choose Local Campaigns?
  • Physical Store Traffic: Drive potential customers to your brick-and-mortar locations.

  • Local Engagement: Connect with users who are physically close to your stores.

Best For: Brick-and-mortar businesses with physical store locations looking to drive foot traffic and increase store visits. Local campaigns are perfect for businesses like retail stores, restaurants, and service providers.


Display Campaigns

Description: Display campaigns involve placing multimedia ads, such as images and GIFs, on websites within Google’s Display Network. These ads aim to create brand awareness and engage users visually.

Types of google ads campaign -Display Ads Campaign
Types of google ads campaign -Display Ads Campaign

Best Practices:

  • Visual Appeal: Design eye-catching visuals that effectively convey your message.

  • Audience Targeting: Segment your audience based on demographics, interests, and browsing behavior.

  • Responsive Ads: Create responsive ads that automatically adapt to different ad placements.

  • Contextual Targeting: Display ads on websites related to your products or services.

Why Choose Display Campaigns?
  • Visual Impact: Use compelling visuals to capture user attention and create brand recognition.

  • Wide Reach: Reach a vast audience across various websites and platforms.

Best For: Brands aiming to create awareness and engage users through visual content. Display campaigns are suited for businesses looking to establish their presence and reach a broad audience.


Video Campaigns

Description: Video campaigns display video ads on platforms like YouTube and the Google Display Network. They are effective for engaging audiences through dynamic content.

Types of google ads campaign -Video Ads Campaign
Types of google ads campaign -Video Ads Campaign

Best Practices:

  • Engaging Content: Create captivating video content that tells a story or showcases your products/services.

  • Audience Targeting: Define your audience based on demographics, interests, and video viewing behavior.

  • Video Length: Keep videos concise while delivering the message effectively.

  • CTAs: Include clear calls-to-action to guide users toward desired actions.

Why Choose Video Campaigns?
  • Visual Storytelling: Use videos to convey your brand message and engage users emotionally.

  • YouTube Audience: Tap into the massive user base of YouTube for brand exposure.

Best For: Businesses wanting to engage users with dynamic content and storytelling. Video campaigns are particularly effective for brand-building and conveying complex messages.


Smart Campaigns

Description: Smart campaigns use automation and machine learning to simplify campaign creation and optimization, making it easier for advertisers to reach their goals.

Best Practices:

  • Clear Goals: Define your campaign objective, such as driving website visits or conversions.

  • Quality Assets: Provide high-quality images and relevant ad copy.

  • Target Audience: Specify your target audience based on demographics and interests.

Why Choose Smart Campaigns?
  • Simplicity: Streamline campaign creation and let Google’s algorithms optimize performance.

  • Automation Benefits: Leverage AI to maximize results while minimizing manual effort.

Best For: Small to medium-sized businesses or advertisers with limited time and resources for campaign management. Smart campaigns are designed to simplify the process and still achieve meaningful results.


Performance Max Campaigns

Description: Performance Max campaigns use AI to place ads across various Google platforms, optimizing for conversions and results.

Best Practices:

  • Diverse Assets: Provide a variety of ad formats (text, image, video) to maximize placement opportunities.

  • Conversion Tracking: Implement conversion tracking to measure and optimize for valuable actions.

Why Choose Performance Max Campaigns?
  • Comprehensive Reach: Maximize visibility by reaching users across multiple Google platforms.

  • AI-Driven Optimization: Let AI optimize ad placements for better results.

Best For: Businesses seeking to leverage AI and automation to reach a wider audience across various Google platforms. Performance Max campaigns are suitable for advertisers focused on conversions and results.


Discovery Campaigns

Description: Discovery campaigns display image ads natively within Google’s feed placement, reaching users based on their interests.

Best Practices:

  • Compelling Images: Use visually appealing images that resonate with users.

  • Audience Targeting: Define your target audience based on interests and behaviors.

Why Choose Discovery Campaigns?
  • Engaging Native Ads: Reach users within their content feeds with visually appealing native ads.

  • Interest-Based Targeting: Connect with users interested in your products or services.

By understanding the different types of Google Ads campaigns and implementing these best practices, businesses can effectively reach their target audiences, drive conversions, and achieve their advertising goals.

Best For: Advertisers looking to tap into users’ interests and deliver visually engaging ads directly within their content feeds. Discovery campaigns are great for brands wanting to spark user curiosity and engagement.



  1. Search Campaigns: Description: These are text ads displayed on the search engine results page (SERP) when users search for relevant keywords. Best Practices: Choose relevant keywords, write compelling ad copy, use ad extensions, and constantly refine and optimize your keywords.

  2. Shopping Campaigns: Description: These are ads that showcase your products on Google’s Shopping tab and other relevant placements. Best Practices: Optimize your product data feed, use high-quality images, include detailed product information, and regularly update your feed.

  3. App Campaigns: Description: These campaigns promote your mobile app across various Google platforms, such as the Google Play Store, YouTube, Google Display Network, and Google Search. Best Practices: Set clear goals, use engaging ad creatives, target relevant audiences, and leverage automated bidding strategies.

  4. Local Campaigns: Description: These campaigns drive foot traffic to physical stores by showing ads to users in specific locations. Best Practices: Utilize location extensions, use geotargeting effectively, highlight local offers or events, and monitor store visit conversions.

  5. Display Campaigns: Description: Display campaigns feature visual ads (images, GIFs, etc.) that appear on websites within Google’s Display Network. Best Practices: Design eye-catching visuals, segment your audience, use responsive ads, and leverage targeting options to reach the right audience.

  6. Video Campaigns: Description: Video campaigns display video ads on YouTube and the Google Display Network. Best Practices: Create engaging video content, use targeting options such as demographics and interests, and optimize for mobile viewership.

  7. Smart Campaigns: Description: Smart campaigns are automated campaigns that use Google’s machine learning to simplify the campaign-building process. Best Practices: Clearly define your goals, provide high-quality ad assets, and let Google’s algorithms optimize your campaign.

  8. Performance Max Campaigns: Description: These campaigns use AI to automate ad placements across various Google platforms for maximum performance. Best Practices: Utilize various ad formats, provide diverse ad creatives, and set clear performance goals.

  9. Discovery Campaigns: Description: Discovery campaigns display visually appealing image ads in users’ Google Discover feeds, Gmail, and YouTube home feed. Best Practices: Use high-quality images, tailor your ads for a native experience, and target audiences based on their interests and behaviors.

Remember that these best practices can vary based on your specific business goals, target audience, and industry. Regularly monitoring and adjusting your campaigns is essential for achieving the best results.

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